Sicario 2: Soldado Review

I found it a grave disappointment that I wasn’t able to see Sicario in the cinema. Since it was released, the director of it, Denis Villeneuve, has fast become one of my favourite directors. I eventually ended up watching Sicario on Netflix, but the tension it created and the darkly beautiful direction and cinematography confirmed… Continue reading Sicario 2: Soldado Review

Genre Grandeur: The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934)

So this month, I was asked by Rob of Movierob to decide which genre should be covered for his Genre Grandeur series and, as anyone who’s been reading my stuff for a while can tell through my Politic-a-Thons, I am a big fan of political thrillers so that’s the sub-genre I chose. Now it’s taken me… Continue reading Genre Grandeur: The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934)