Politic-a-thon 2: Charlie Wilson’s War Review

Next up in the Politic-a-thon is another film from one of my favourite script writers working today, Aaron Sorkin. This time though, instead of taking place in the West Wing, this goes into Congress and is the first film based on a real life person that Sorkin has written and, whilst I think it’s the… Continue reading Politic-a-thon 2: Charlie Wilson’s War Review

Politic-A-Thon 2: Olympus Has Fallen Review

After doing so many serious dramas for this years Politic-a-Thon, I think it’s time to do something different: a big bombastic action film. The one I’ve chosen is one of the two Die Hard in the White House films from last year, Olympus Has Fallen and out of those two films, I’d take the stupid… Continue reading Politic-A-Thon 2: Olympus Has Fallen Review

Politic-a-Thon 2: Dave Review

Most of the films that I’ve done this year for Politic-a-Thon have been really heavy films. I think it’s time to go a bit lighter and take a look at a more comedic look at politics with Ivan Reitman’s Dave. Now Ivan Reitman is a pretty hit and miss director, when he’s good, he makes… Continue reading Politic-a-Thon 2: Dave Review

Politic-a-thon 2: No Review

Going over all of the films I’ve covered in both Politic-a-thons, there is one area of the world, with really interesting politics, that I have consistently ignored, that being South America. This is a region of the world filled with political instability and, over the past 60 years, a large number of coups (mostly organised… Continue reading Politic-a-thon 2: No Review

Politic-a-thon 2: W Review

I think it’s best right now to get my thoughts on George W Bush out right now. He was an incompetent buffoon who was led into an illegal war by Cheney and Rumsfeld and is, without doubt, the worst president who has ever held that office, yes over Nixon and Reagan. With that said, I… Continue reading Politic-a-thon 2: W Review

Boyhood Review

Richard Linklater is probably one of the most eclectic filmmakers working today. From romance films with the Before trilogy to dark comedies with Bernie to mainstream comedies with School of Rock to twisted sci-fi films with A Scanner Darkly, there is a Linklater film out there for everyone. His major project though has been one… Continue reading Boyhood Review

Politic-a-Thon 2: Bulworth Review

Next up in the Politic-a-thon is another film about the nature of political campaigns and the destructive nature of them on the candidate, with this film focusing on the mental breakdown a candidate has when running for re-election with the film being Bulworth. Honestly, considering how prominently a left wing actor Warren Beatty is, I’m… Continue reading Politic-a-Thon 2: Bulworth Review

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Review

One of the biggest surprises in film recently for me was Rise of the Planet of the Apes. After watching the trailers for it I thought it would be a pretty bad film but instead I was greeted by a really smart, engaging summer blockbuster with a brilliant central performance by Andy Serkis as Caesar.… Continue reading Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Review

Politic-a-Thon 2: The Special Relationship Review

Now we’re onto the final part of the Peter Morgan Blair trilogy. So far we’ve covered the relationship between Tony Blair and Gordon Brown in The Deal, with Queen Elizabeth II in The Queen and now, with The Special Relationship, we look at probably the most important relationship Blair had in his early days, his… Continue reading Politic-a-Thon 2: The Special Relationship Review

Politic-a-thon 2: The Queen Review

So today is the second part of the Stephen Frears Blair trilogy with The Queen, focusing on Tony Blair’s relationship with Queen Elizabeth the Second. This is the one that I had the most trepidation going into since this was the only one of the three to get a cinema release and as such, it… Continue reading Politic-a-thon 2: The Queen Review