Rise of the Planet of the Apes Review

This is a clear example of a film in which the marketing campaign really screwed up. The trailers for this made it look terrible. A cash cow capitalizing on the popularity of the original Planet of the Apes with a stupid message that experiments to cure diseases like Altzheimer’s would destroy humanity. That could not… Continue reading Rise of the Planet of the Apes Review

Captain America: The First Avenger Review

This is it, the final Marvel Studios film made to set up The Avengers. How does it compare to the others, while it isn’t as good as Iron Man, it manages to reach the same factor of pure entertainment and fun of Thor, The Incredible Hulk and Iron Man 2, mostly due to one thing.… Continue reading Captain America: The First Avenger Review

My Guess on the 2012 Academy Awards Nominations Halfway Through The Year

Seeing as half of the year has gone and some of my thoughts for films that will be nominated for Oscars have changed, I thought that I will do another one of my predictions for the Oscars reflecting my opinions halfway through the year. I will be doing a final one of these at the… Continue reading My Guess on the 2012 Academy Awards Nominations Halfway Through The Year